Thursday, April 19, 2007

An Average Day Out With Hula Bell

The best picture of Hula, ever taken. Photo by James Mann.

*Anthropologie- Grove
Sales girl loves up Hula. Tells me she has a Pomeranian who gets out of her yard and roams the neighborhood like it owns the place.

Woman who works at Sony tells me she has a chocolate Chi who she wishes she could bring to work. That Adam Sandler and his entire staff bring their dogs to work. She wishes she could work for Adam Sandler. That it's actually an insurance issue, with pets.

*Forever 21- Grove
Woman comes from across the store to greet Hula. Tells me she has a big pit bull who would pull her all over the place and pee on everything if she brought him shopping. Says she wishes she could bring him around and that she's such a dog person.

*Staples- Wilshire
Walk in the store and this boy who is cute and whose hands smell like cigarette smoke, comes up to me so fast that I kind of get confused about exactly what he's doing. His hands are outstretched and is saying in such an excited voice "oh, can I visit!? Can I pet her!??" I think he might have had a crush on Hula. She should have totally gone for it. He was adorable. Still, she played hard to get, as usual.

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