Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sesa Mommy

So the other night, my other mommy came over. She's so nice to me! I hid under the table a lil when she came in, but then I smelled her and got all happy and waggy. This is one of mom's favorite pics of Sela. She looks so purdy in it!

Tonight, mom watched, for the second time, the movie Brick. It's such an amazing film (she told me) and there are so many things to catch the second time around, when you're not trying to pay attention to the plot.

We walked dad to work today and then mom came back and did some biz. She's actually got an appointment with a sales rep applicant, on Friday! Yay! It's nice when things feel positive for mom. She's happier... I'm happier... things smell better.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Car is back!!!!!!!! It's so incredibly exciting. Mom and I took our first spin in its shiny, purdy new-ness, this morning! Woo! Mom was total surprised by how much she'd missed it.

Arrested Development season III came out this morn, too! Mom and dad and I went before dad went in to work and bought it. South Park is out too. Can't wait to watch all the new episodes of everything, all snuggled down in between the two of them. Snuggling, South Park, Riesens, Hula Cookies... yay!

House came out, season II on dvd, too, but WAY too expensive. Mom can find it for better than $49.

Time to go clean, write to sales reps and um... well, actually, I'll just be lounging...

Sunday, August 27, 2006



Today was exciting! I found out i LURVE Rawhide!

It was very exciting for mom to discover. I'm always asking for treats and this is like an endless treat. It's especially grrreat cause the "treats" I always want are never good for me- quesadillas, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, cottage cheese, veggie burgers, croissants, muffins etc etc... Hooray for stuff that's MADE for dogs that I LIKE.

Mom and I watched Syriana today.

Mom tried hard to pay attention and not space out, and in turn, ended up liking it quite a lot. Complicated if you were reading a magazine during it, but pay close attention and it's pretty interesting.

Mom and I are quite zzz... so that's where we're gonna head. After of course, more free weights!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Twisted Sister

Yepper, pepper, this is really how I was laying in the chair. I'm very flexible.

Mom and Dad and I just got back from our second walk of the day. We saw flowers and signs about no-poopie I'm not sure if people listen to the sign, but it's good that it's there.

Mom and Dad have been watching Curb Your Enthusiasm and are soon to watch a Netflix. Mostly I just get under the covers (yes, I got under here all by myself) and snuggle. Snugglin is my fave!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Oh people... it has happened. My mommy swore she'd let it be, but she went and dressed me up. It's over now. Heads are exploding with the velocity of my cuteness. Buildings are collapsing etc etc... Plus, I don't have any lil harness scratchey things on my chest. Mom walks me so much, my lil fur gets rubbed off! Looks like I might need actual dress SELECTIONS, so I can switch it up, depending on my mood...

Today, mom and I went to the park and met with her friends Shannon and Pearl. Shannon is like mommy- big. Pearl is like me- lil. We had some fun in the sun and mommy got to talk about how this one lady hurt her feelings. It's no fun, but hurted feelings are part of life. Now she feels better cause the day looked up. Also, cause she has me! I help BUNCHES.

Later, mommy and her friend, the nice-smelling Ann, did some business. Ann cut up a tee and made this! They also bought a bedazzler, I overheard... Ooh! Sparkles!

Mom ate the same thing for dinner as every night- Nutella and Peanut Butter. Not 100% great for the tum tum, but she thinks it's soooo delish! I can't blame her!


Monday, August 21, 2006

New Friends

Hello sweet people...

First, I'd like to say, mom did NOT put the blanket on me like this. I did it all by myself like a big girl!

Next order of business..

It has come to my attention that a bit of my Sunday was left out of my post. I'd like to mention having visited a yummy address on Crescent Heights blvd, owned by a pair of peoples i like to sniff, and who mom calls The Dooleys. Their house is full of fun smells, a rug that feels like grass- indoors!? and the whole darn place makes me spunky! What a playground for a 5lb creature!

This pic is of a new friend I made while mom got some biz taken care of at the screen printers. It's loud there, but I still like going. This lil girl's name is Melody and she petted me vewy nicely.

Later, mom and I walked to get dad from work. the sidewalk was skanky, so mom gived me a bath when we got home. Boo!

I RUV when it's over though! I run around the house all cwazy and feel happy and loved!

In parting, i'd also like to mention that it turns out my new dress was not in stock from BellaParis! Instead of the other dress, mom is getting me this!~ VERY fall and VERY adorable!

G'nite everypooch!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Smells like Fun

Duud! So I got my ADORABLE new doggie name tag. It says "I'm Hula" and it's true- I am. This be what it looks like-

Mom and Dad and I went to The Grove tonight. SO MANY THINGS TO SNIFF! Too many, actually. I was kind of pulling all over the place and distracted and almost getting stepped on every 5 seconds. It's better on a week day when it's way less crowded. We DID however, stop by for some more Pupcakes and Carob dipped Mutt-aroons (like macaroons... you get it...)

The pic up top is of me is when I was on the grown-up bed and Dad was patty patting me. He's so nice. When I see him after work every day, I get all squirrelly and hoppy and lickey. I love Daddy!

My claws are getting long, so I'll soon have to get them clipped. Mom found a place for me to have it done. She checked it out today in this little doggie store called LA Doggie Style. There were like A MILLION dresses and outfits for me to fit into there! Wowzers! Too much cute stuff. Mom SWORE she'd not dress me up, but DUUD, it's getting cold. Shouldn't I get some Fall clothes?

Kisses and licks!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

This Cat Is Freaking Me Out

Hi everyone! And by everyone, I mean my other mommy Sela. She reads this pretty regularly and I'd venture to guess, she's the only one.

Today we did some walking N. of Melrose, watching Simpsons season 8 with dad and then um... well I remember there being some napping. Mom has been working on her biz but it's just going so slowly! She wants it to work so much, but everything is meant to be, so she's just hoping and doing her work every day.

Soon, my little dress mom ordered for me, will come in the mail and I'll have to kill everyone with my profound cuteness. Can't wait!

Ps- this is me at my friend's house. I'm trying to get used to their cats, but it's hard!

~Hula Loo

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Focus on This

Sooooo... I made friends with a kitty today! Mom took me over to her friend Shannon's house and there was:

1- Little person, approximately 1 1/2 human years old
1- furry, black kitty who was very interested in pretending she wasn't interested in me. it was AWESOME!
1- friendly big dude, who came home after mom and her friend were hanging out for a while. he was super nice and scrached behind my ears.

hooray for cats!

Mom got her rental car today. it's not cute, but it is totally zippy and has great air conditioning. Here's a pic of what it kind of looks like. it think it's an older one though. Either way, it's free and it's a nice way to get around!

okay, time for sleeping soon... after mom does some bicep curlz. Woo!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Seriously People, Whos Is Cuter Than I?

Humans! Seriously, I'm like a supermodel. mom took this pic of me last night and just couldn't wait to post it.

OMG, it's so exciting... the nights... they are a-changin'... it was CHILLY in the bedroom last night! Grateful that the weather's getting more comfortable. It makes walks longer and sweeter.

In snack, and more specifically snack-spread related news, Nutella is on sale at the market and mom is loading up on them. she bought 6 jars of it last time and will probably get 6 more. it's like her main food staple. seriously. she is like totally European. Here's a samp of the delightful things you can do with it. Mom eats it straight, though.

people, my people... more soon. and especially more rescue dogs!

Monday, August 14, 2006

What's up Buddhas?

Alo friends! Today was the first time I got to experience the wonders of Ross! Joy! I got to be in mom's handbag, just in case i wasn't allowed inside. I totally match her purse, so I'm nearly invisible. It's positively adorable. At any rate, mom is moving on the Idea of thiss bloggy blog being about strays up for adoption, so less about me and more about them! I'll hit ya'all with some more pups when i get my hands on some pictures. Peace and such!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Meet Fritz!

Checkit y'all! There's a new duty in town and it's me, your fave Chihuahua, introducing my b-f-f's from the shelter where I was found! First up is Fritz. And here, my dawggy dawgs, are his stats...

Fritz is a 2 year old Jack Russell/Dachshund mix saved from the overcrowded and often overlooked North Central pound in Los Angeles. He is a fantastic little guy - smart, affectionate, loyal, not to mention adorable! Fritz has it all! He's small - 12 lbs. Great lap dog. Loves his walks!!!


Okay compadres, you've got a happy dog, who loves walks AND sits in laps!? You can't beat it!! Here is where Fritz can be reached:

Bring more joy and love into your life! Save a doggy!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Grrrage Sale!

ooh what fun! today i got to spend time with my TWO mommies! my other mom had a garage sale with her man (while no match for my cuteness, he's a very nice fella). i made a kind-of friend... well, no, she didn't really like me, but i tried! she is the neighborhood kitty and she was mewing all around us and coming to say hi.

When i tried to say hi though, she got quite feisty.

mom fixed up mommy Sesa with her bolg, so now we can be blog-buddies. hooray!

then we came home and went to a bbq. mom fed me some sausage and i was so excited eating it, i barfed it up later. oh no! at least we were all outside. mom and i went on a walk around the neighborhood where the party was. it was quiet and pretty. wish ours was more like that! maybe some day soon when mommy's business really takes off!

okay, time for nite-nite... like that's anything new...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Pupcakes and Tea

Ooh! Free pupcake day at the dog bakery! Mmmm... mom gave it to me after we took another walk around the Grove (makes me so seepy...) but i only licked the frosting off. The nice man who owns the bakery asked mom about her tee-shirts and had a potential business proposal for her. Cool! She has trouble believing things will come through, but why not keep up the hope!?

Dad gave us 60 bucks to go have fun today! Wooo! SO SO sweet of him, but mom doesn't just want to blow it on something silly. She buys a lot of silly stuff already. Maybe she'll just get us more food for the house. We all like food!

Mom is watching House M.D. episodes from NetFlix. sadly when she got home, one of the showrooms she inquired about, rejected her tees. Said they were "too full." Either that's true, or they don't like the line, but either way, MOM and ANN like it, so- oh well!

Did I mention how i have to get back to napping? Zzzz...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'm SO Popular

Grove! mom and i just got back. omg i'm loving all this attention! ladies were stopping to pet me, mom was talking to other dog owners and friends were getting made all over the place and it's all because of my cuteness! i'm sooooooo seepy now that i've put myself in my crate for a little night-night. so many smells and so much ground to cover!

mom got me some doggie treats at the doggie bakery which i proceeded to lick, drag over to the middle of the floor, chew into and then leave. i'm pickey! mom made some biz calls cause she can't do it in the house (the phone reception in there is impossible... apparently). hopefully she'll have a sales person soon, to carry her line of shirts. i hope it comes true for her!

mom gave more accounts of the accident to another adjuster. 2 dudes coming out to assess the damages now. oi vey! at any rate, here is a pic of me inside this fun store called Anthropology. i was beat so i sat myself down on the cool floor. eventually i discovered that everything in there was overpriced, so mom and i made a quick get-away.


Hooray for Poop!

mom and i walked on the south si-eed of Melrose today. after we dropped dad @ work we felt like stopping. it's SO AMAZING over there. clean cars, ba-jillion dollar homes, well maintained lawns... i think even the butterflies are prettier over there. we trapsed up and down block after block, dreaming of a life in which we awoke to such peaceful and beautiful streets. what fun!

mom then got her caffeine fix (back to Sev) and now we're home napping (me) and typing (mom). the dude who is going to come and assess the damages on the car, is supposed to call soon (sigh). such a process- the accident's aftermath. in the meantime, mom is generating attention for RubyLove and coming up with ideas to get the word out. also such a process!

back to sleep... zzz...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hula + Crate-ey Sittin in a Tree...

My oh my! Look at me! I'm such a grown up! So mom got me this crate and i LOVE it! I keep putting myself in it cause it's all yummy and cozy in there. Mom thinks I'm such a good girl... and she's right!

We've only gone on one walk today (boo) cause it's HAWT out. Blech. but i didn't seem to mind. We went to the drug store where they don't care if i come in and ride around in the cart. Mom took extra long cause it was all air-conditioney inside. I'm getting used to the shopping cart. It's almost like a roller coaster... that rolls you past lipsticks and long isles filled with toilet paper, instead of doing something exciting.

I'm a good dawg!


Mom and I were sleepy in this pic. The bangey-bang started earlier than we wanted it to (construction outside the window) this morn. We weren't fully awake, but you don't have a choice when it sounds like someone is hammering something that's approximately 2.5" from your eardrums. And i have BIG ears... so i know...

So... once up, mom and I took dad to work and got me some cookies... the doggie kind. I've been eating her gourmet ones (can cookies actually be "gourmet" if they're from Target? The Chinese DO make a good treat... and by Chinese I mean 7 yr old Tibetan slaves) and they're just not good for poochies. I got some carob chip dog-treats from PetCo instead. Yum! I'm eating them instead of my actual food, but at least I'm eating. She also got me a crate to chill in, when her and dad actually have to leave me HERE when they go out- the nerve! Last night they did so and i started eating the bathroom door. Naughty naughty.

After that, mom got some coffee from Sev (that's Vegas-speak for 7-11, as they're plentiful in that fair city) and came home to do stuff on her keyboard typey thing. I don't know what she does on there, but as long as I keep getting treats, love-ups, freshly washed blankies and sniff-everything walks, I don't really care.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I'm having a weird-o day! I went pee pee in PetCo (well, it WAS on the mat right when you come into the store, where about 6,578,900 other dogs have prolly peed...) and I'm shaking when I drive with mom. Mom isn't 100% either. She's a bit spacey and forgot what she'd just purchased in the pet store, and was yelled after by the woman behind her. "Girl with the Chihuahua.. you forgot this!"

Sigh... This crash has gotten the best of us! Mom has a few aches and pains (body and heart) and I think is just trying to FEEL the sadness of the crunch-n-munch car and not push it all under. It's so strange to get into a wreck. Affects you in a way you wouldn't expect... I'm a dog... I know these things...

Anyhow, today is a restful one. Think mom is going to call to order groceries. It's currently too scary to run errands. I'm gonna go hide my face in my bum...

Monday, August 07, 2006


DOOOOOOOOD. the pic speaks for itself. mom and i got into a wreck! sitting innocently at a traffic light, some boob ran a red light, caused a crash-ola and then that crash-ola turned on us! mom watched it unfold like a slow-motion movie, while i snoozed on the passenger seat. then- KA-BOOM! the cars mashed us. i was terribly shaken. mom- mostly spaced out and caring for me. frustratingly thoughtless drivers. ps- you should see the OTHER car... the one that crashed HIM as he ran the red light. smooshed beyond belief.

no Trader Joe's chicken chunks for us tonight. it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

for all those concerned, the car, though heart-breakingly sad looking, is driveable. mom is feeling boo-hoo about it as she is so proud of her vroom-vroom. first car she paid for all by herself!

all will work out... it ALL happens for a reason...

Working at the Paw Wash

Eew! Mom took me to the car wash today. No thank you! I was inside the car, confused about all these white, fluffy bubbles covering where I could see out and THEN mom brought on the power rinse! Loud and un-fun, but hell, I'd rather be with mom than any place, so I just jumped around and dealt! then as mom wiped the car down, I got out and hung with all the other peeps wiping down their rides. However, I didn't see any OTHER pooches lucky enough to be with their masters. I must totally rock. Here's me, recovering from my exhausting outing... whew!


Mom mailed my license papers off today. Yay! it means i'm going to be officially official. i totally deserve it!

so far we've gone on a short walk. mom gets on the phone cause it's impossible to use it in the house. it annoys her so very much. later we'll go to the market together. since it's plenty cool out and the sun isn't shining, i can stay in the car while she runs in. i don't like it much cause i miss her so, but it's better than staying at home waiting for her! besides... i love the car. i get all nappy and lulled by the engine... or something. i don't know what it is, but i zonk right out. can you believe i don't stand up and look out the window? i suppose my mom is more entertaining than the streets of LA. wee!

Walkey Walk

so yesterday was so much action! doggie park, long walk on Larchmont, and even a block-walk at night! the nights here are so much cooler so mom has a much easier time convincing dad to come with. it's nice cause mommy and daddy talk about stuff while i get to smell-a-roo to my hearts content. i get so excited when mom jingles the leash. i already know how to put my head thru the little harness-loop and then my little leg. having such a great life! mom ran out of wet food, so it's time to hit Trader Joe's. but for now... it's time to nap after my long night's sleep... very exhausting... zzz...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Smells like yummy

mom is making brownies with butterscotch chips and caramel. they're her best. well... so they're from a mix, but what do i know? i'm covered in fur and eat palm tree nuts on my Larchmont walks. Arrested Development is playing in the background... damn that show is one of the best ever made. i'm just hanging in my bed, curled in a sepia-toned ball. i'm generally sepia toned, but especially when mom puts the filter on the cam.

oh happy day.


alo... it's Hula. I've taken over because my mom can't seem to get a blog posted. Oi Vey! what an afternoon! first i got to smell all these fun butts at the doggie park. it was amazingly fragrant! THEN my mom and dad were half way home when she realizes she forgot her phone at the park! yipes! luckily she found it, because there's a fantastic pic of me on there that i wouldn't like to lose. next we came home and my mom put me in all this soapy water- blech! it was mucho un-fun, but now i smell nice and am happy. hooray! my mom snapped this pic of me after offering me some of her veggie burger. so i'm a vegetarian at heart... what can i say but... huh?

First Blog Ever

alo. it's 3:53am PST and i've been awake for about an hr. visions of Nutella dancing in my head, i've now eaten, spent about 1/2 hour on and now decided Hula, my rescue Chi. needs a blog of her own. here it is. and here she is...

more soon... zzz...