Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I Like Candy When It's Wrapped in a Sweater

For some reason, this year, cause I'm an adult and I can, I wanted pumpkin. Not pie, not chocolate shaped like one, but the real deal. I was gonna carve and light and the whole bit. Then I realized- well... all those seeds and the thing with the cutting and the candles and the blah blah- I'll just get some lil ones and put em on a table next to my Yeats.

"I like Yeats. Especially the kind that are white meat chicken breast."

Man, Halloween rocks. Happy happy yay!

Somebody who isn't me, made these.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hula is a cupcake

Hula came to her first RubyLove event. It was the grand opening of CORE Pilates. RubyLove had a trunk sale there and it was a blast!

Hula-boo was a wee bit nervous with all the people around trying to pet her, but she was a great ice breaker and I think she had fun! There were yummy treats (only for people though!), lots of people and networking and a raffle that incidentally, Eric won something from! Tally kept the prize...

Hooray for events! Hooray for RubyLove, but mostly, hooray for Hula in a RubyLove tee!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

This is my fave Blog layout.


I don't know what that "yay" was for. Why not? Yay! Maybe cuz Halloween is coming soon and it's my fave-est holly-day of all the world. Darkness, the celebration of Zombies, LOADS of candy, bloody, gutty movies being played on every channel, a sense of EERIE in the air and did i mention candy? Me likey Halloween.

Dear Hula, here is a Valentime~


Saturday, October 21, 2006


Okay, it's true. I did it. I got a Pumpkin Pie Shake at Jack in the Box. Kind of evil... by my own standards. Not only is it like... I don't know 99 parts lab-food and 1 part found-in-nature, I'm sure the cow milk is retrieved by like, knife point, it's so inorganically farmed. However... much to my expectations, it was FUCKING REDONK. Y to tha U to tha EM.

Hula liked it a little, too.

Dude-Man got some chicken-jazz and other sammich that smelled good, but the last time I ate McDonalds fast food, (which was the first time in approximately 16 years), the following day included me having the second worst fever-flu I've had in my life. Not saying they're directly related. Not saying they're NOT.

Ha! Take that McD's! I have implicated you in my 3 audience member blog! It's called THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Read the Constitution, punks.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Count Cook-ula!

Brown rice w/ chopped olives, pepperoncinis, red beans, avocado, cumin and chopped cheese. SUUUUUPER yum!

Salad w/ tuna, goat cheese, apples, rasins, almonds, grapes and Goddess dressing. Ooh!

Grilled figs, candied almonds and goat cheese. LaLa!

Cut figs in two (trim off stems).
Grill in pan w/ butter, flat side down, for about 8 min.
Flip and do the same thing.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

If you have the inclination...

It's a Hula fashion show! (link below)


Or click the link to the right w/ Hula's pic on it.


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Don't be a hater


4 Proofs-o-purchase, ZERO dollars shipping, and the generous folks of the Worlds Most Famous Spread (seriously, in Europe, it outsells peanut butter) sent me TWO- count em- T-W-O Nutella brand cappuccino mugs. If i didn't have a reason to DRINK my Nutella STRAIGHT FROM A MUG before, I have one now.

Oh yes.

I'm hiding.

I'm hidden.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Fambly Foto Album

Mom is trying to put us to bed at a normal time, so it's just some photo fun for tonight! Starting with mommy and Sesa's favorite and Shray's version of a Skeleton Man...

The Dadster and me! I wuv 'im!

Me lookin' wicked-awesome in my Halloweenie dress.

My God-mommy Sesa and me, gettin' snuggly.

Mommy and Daddy saw The Departed tonight. Mom said SOOOOOO GOOD. Dad too! Go see! G'nite eberyone...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Why Must You People Challenge My Cuteness?

Just in case anyone was unsure of who the winner of the Cuteness Award For Excellence was, i'm here to remind how it was me. Snuggled all up like the champion I am and thinking about all the treats my mommie's not giving me, cause i'm on this diet. Apparently I've been squeezing into my Hula dresses lately and with the amount of $ they cost, mom says "you bes fit into yer drrrresses little adorable one!!"

It's 1:32am. I'm sooooo sweeeeeeepy and so is mama. G'nite. Cute dreams.


Monday, October 09, 2006


Fun! Today we went to USC to get some shorts for dad. we walked ALL about the campus and I smelled and peed and pooed! the pic up top is me not liking the fountain much. then there's the picture of the squirrel who was taunting me!

Mom got this adorable USC pink hat- JUST FOR GIRLS (she said she'd post it later. she forgot to take a pic of it) and dad got his shorts for the gym. it was so much fun and we walked for what seemed like forever!

Here's me smelling the USC colored fleurs. Mmm... they smell like nothing.

Then we came home and watched a movie called The Weather Man

it was quite good. mom was surprised cause it started out peculiarly.

Mom got her second season of House in! it's grreat so far. and it's the coolest DVD place-holder design, ever. but who would expect less?

Hooray for Hugh!

Saturday, October 07, 2006


So Eric and I decided to get take-out from this restaurant I've been hearing great stuff about- BLD (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). I was def disappointed, esp. since we seldom eat out. I got the House Cured Salmon Salad which came kind of like (above)-- (I forgot to take my own pics)

The thin salmon pieces were just laying on top of the salad. I was in the mood for like a HUNK of yummy, grilled fish. The salad kind of tasted like sushi, with STRONGLY Wasabi dressing (super hot and yum) but juxtaposed against kind of home made-ey looking "bagel chips" (you know the ones) hidden inside the salad. When I got home, i fancied it up with some goat cheese and croutons. Not something you want to do when you've paid $19 for a fucking salad.

What i WANTED was something like this--

Eric got a rib sandwich w/ coleslaw and expected kind of a picnic type presentation. His rib sandwich was shredded beef and mixed up in it, was the coleslaw. The bread was average and the fries were like any other with some spices. That sandwich was $16. Again, not worth the price.

We won't go again and now that I've found some other poopy reviews about it, I don't think we're alone. However, I've also heard amazing things, so... Every place has its lovers and haters.

Hugh says...

Grrr... I'm sexy.

Nearly Forgot

i mean it IS terribly important the blog lives up to its new name, no? ps- ordered the second season of House from Overstock.com (that site really rocks). awaiting its arrival with baited breath...



Here's to USC football, making Eric both ecstatic and mournful. May tomorrow be a grrreat game! E-mon is actually going to the game in person, tamali which is good for me cause i need ta ride the tiny train to transcription town, like all day long, yo! then the follow up stop is Laundry Land. i'll be visiting dirty-underpants mountain and playing in stinky-tee park! oh what a journey!

a little baking went on tonight. just a package of store bought, peanut butter cookie dough and a wee bit of Ghiradelli magic and mmmm... breakfast. well, for sugar junkies, like myself.


there is a reason these truffles look as though they're glowing with angelic spirits. because they ARE. Sela makes the absolute best truffles i've ever had in all my years of living. and it's not only about them tasting like God simmered the cream himself. there is an ENERGY in them that... you can't pinpoint, but can absorbe when you're consuming them. out of this world- truly.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The bar for cuteness has been raised.

SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. I mean, I TOTALLY don't want Hugh to think I'm cheating him, but I want to eat my dog for dinner in this dress. HOW MUCH CANDY am i going to get on Halloween? Ans: SO FUCKING MUCH.

Hula boo, you are 100% REDONK!

Dinner reservations?

So i'm thinking, if the USC game goes well on Saturday (eric is actually going to the game), does everyone wanna come over for dinner? and by "everyone" i mean the two who read this blog and are regularly included in it. in case you forgot what dinner looks like, here are some pictures:

whoops, that's what i'll be having... in my dreams...

maybe we could watch a NetFlix or play Cranium (these sound like awful things to do, actually, with two adorable and fun guests. plus, i hate board

games. why the fuck would i offer that?). Maybe I can get Neil to come too and we can all... hell, i don't know, what do friends do when they have "dinner?" talk about politics? maybe we can just throw around Hula's chicken. or talk about how stunning Hugh Laurie is. Isn't he just stunning? mmm...


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Le Sigh.

(that's french for "i'll give you something to do with that tongue.")

Holy Crap!

WOW i'm not used to hard, all-day work. my neighbors have a transcribing biz that i've been helping them with and um, well, i just took on too many typey-type promises! i finished typing today at 1:15a and that's after seriously, nearly not having time to pee. wild stuff! this whole "working for myself" thing really has me on a schedule that's RELAXED. a couple episodes of House M.D.

and i'm off to bed-ee-bye.


Sunday, October 01, 2006

I.P. hearts H.L.

K. There's a degree that I'm hearting Hugh Laurie that's almost... should I report it to my boyfriend? My GAWD, look at this British fucker in the Motley Crue shirt!! Come ON! He's Dr. House on House M.D. He's a son of a bitch and he's got a gimp leg and i want to hump him and his curmudgeonly old self. it hurts!

mmm... older men rock. wait, isn't this Hula's blog? Sorry.

today we went to Sesa mommies. We got Taco Bell and had a $7 feast. (i googled "burrito" to get a picture of one, but have decided, since this came up, it's more fun to look at than beans and cheese-

More food then we could possibly put down. Then i came home, did hours of crazy transcribing (gots ta bring in the $ somehow!) and put together RubyLove press kits. the house was a RubyExplosion. fun and messy. more stuff to type, but i'm bored and hot for old men, so i'll end here.

oop- just found this crazy blog. http://www.burritoblog.com/ wow, that's some burrito commitment.