Friday, July 31, 2009

Puppies, Cable, Stuff

Now that I have this amazing, lovely place to go to everyday, I have these delightful little issues like- HOW can I get my makeup to look nice all day?? I love wearing a lot and love new ways to keep it on. THIS is working marvelously...

This is Pez. She came in with a fella who is going to paint, today. Hi Pez! She was so cute and timid.

HULA! Be a lady! Hula is in her Halloween garb today. Someone asked why and I told them- look, I spent $30 on the damn thing! She's going to wear it more than once a year!

I took a shot of these plants in our kitchen, so the florist could see what we had and make some changes. The shot was taken to facilitate, but it ended up being cute enough to post. I spray the plants with water every Friday! I love having a schedule!! Thank you Job Gods!!!

Today I canceled my cable account as I've decided I don't need it. Past couple of days I've been watching box sets...

And intend to carry on in such a way. I also didn't even get internet!! I'm on the computer so much, at work... let's see if that can last, too! I have it on my phone, so it shouldn't be TOO hard. Let the experiments begin!


Bye bye old apartment. Thank you...

Sweetest Treats

The apartment is coming along cutely... So excited I have the weekend to set up!!

I came home last night to the most delightful surprise, left in a bag, on my door. Salad tonight!! AND, this bounty was picked from a garden! So much LOVE!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pics- Round 3!

Could there be a cuter picture than a shy Asian girl, eating a plum, dressed in pink pumps?

Hula, CeeJay, Tally, Donnie, Uh-Lasskuh


Let me see ya grillz.

Tally, Hula, Scott Boo!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pics- Round 2!


Hula and Stella having at it.

Kabobs were popping off!

Mike took many pictures.


Picnic on the woof-top

Oot! There was a bbq thrown in my and my wonderful friends- CeeJay and Donnie's honor. It's because the cool people of the building are leaving (us) and people are like super mega sad about it. Actually... everyone just loves to get together.

I love you, Chapman friends.

Ren made an amount of sushi that was not to be believed.

CeeJay's hair smells amazing!


There were people on the rooftop doing a photo shoot. Can you imagine coming up to your roof and seeing something like this? Shit like this NEVER ceases to enthrall me. I love this type of shenanigans. One time Alaska and I came out onto Broadway and the whole street was roped off and it was like some kind of Terminator scene with cars flipped upside down and trees crashed over. I've yet to find out what they were filming for. In this case- The Vampires were in a band together.

More rooftop shots, coming soon!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Oliver's first birthday!

My great girlfriend and ex biz partner- Ann, had a birthday party for her son Oliver... he turned one! This is Oliver's papa- Chris.

I met Oliver's nanny... lovely Michelle!

A good, old friend named Ben Go, was there with his twins. This one is Ella. Oh! His wife makes these dope, plush toys.

Here's Ann, looking radiant!

Here is the cake... ANN MADE IT HERSELF! She has been taking cake decorating classes. Turns out she's radder than Cake Boss!

It was warm, but we had such a nice time. The cake was one of the best I've ever eaten. NO KIDDING. Ann is ridiculous!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Good day for a Chi-nap

Hula Loo, comfortably sleeping under my desk. Oh Hula!

Loving Brighid.

Mmm... delicious veggie wrap that I got for lunch today! My Alaska boo bought it for me, because he got his tax return back! Double mmm...

So, so happy and blessed-feeling, every day. LOVING my new job. And I'm moving on Wednesday! What could be better!?!? Happy happy happy...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day Two of my New Life

There's really no way to describe how something like this makes me feel...

Hello BNSers.

I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the Brand New School Faculty: Italia Pierfederici, who will be taking over as Office Manager/Receptionist.
Some of you may know her from years ago, others please introduce yourself if you haven't already.

She is back in the saddle here, wiser and stronger and ready to take care of your any needs.

We will be toasting Italia tomorrow with a beer around 5 pm to welcome her back.


One of the designers here, let me know that tomorrow he'd need to photograph me for the website. Photograph me to be listed on the "faculty" picture collection. A collection I've looked at, many time. Many times (since BNS and I parted ways).

After this past... this past while... there is a glory in this kindness that I wouldn't have understood before. Thank you, Universe, for bringing me this kindness. Thank you thank you thank you...

In other news, Hula had a photo shoot. It went a little something like this...

Oh Hula...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Last night, I got the job offer, for Brand New School. I say "yes!" and T-O-D-A-Y was my first day. It was wonderful. Happy people and I'm excited about the job itself. People said kind things and I felt like I'd really made a difference there, the first time around. I am so proud, to be back.

These two shots are the view from my desk.


In unrelated news, Hula had a photo shoot. It was beyond anything I can really describe. Look at her unbelievable face in this picture. Oh my Hula, my love...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More Rooftop

I've taken some more parting shots off the rooftop. It might be my favorite part of downtown. Literally. So many laughs have been had up here. So many doggy parties... running and playing and socializing. Sometimes I feel bad for the non-doggy people. They're SO FAR OUTNUMBERED. Hula has become more comfortable with people and dogs alike. Downtown has been very good for her. And most-especially- this rooftop.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hanging 20

Yeah... pretty much the best picture ever taken...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fouki Came By

Sella brought me the most UH-MAZING cupcakes. I finished the last of them off, this morning. They might even beat Crumbs, in my book. Apparently they were from Whole Foods! (For the record, they were not the cupcakes I put in the link. I just wanted to put some kind of Whole Foods link.) One was chocolate and one was vanilla and they had the EXACT right amount of frosting, which is to say- the amount that when you see other people eating it, they have wiped off an enormous pile of frosting which they plan to not eat. Sometimes I even take theirs and add it to my already-massive amount.

Hula can be so un-excited when Sella comes over. I'm embarrassed by her reserved nature.

Yay for fun and friends!

Today I set the electricity up to be turned on in my new place. Countin' down... countin' down...


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Real Chi Moms of Los Angeles

Hula has taken up smoking. There's simply nothing we can do.

I went to Bottega Louie, finally. It's just around the block from my house and it's extraordinary inside. I just grabbed something from the cold section. It was quite yummy and surprisingly inexpensive for such a snazzy place. There were baguettes that you could only see from the front. I asked to be given one and with a piece already torn off, I got what you see below. SO LONG! It cracked me up.

I made this strange rice concoction last night and everyone really liked it. Brown rice, cream cheese, raisins, peanuts and a little soy sauce. Definitely a cheap meal! Would be great w/ steamed carrots and a big mixed green salad. Mmm!

The family (Alaska, Hula, me) is going to The Lange Foundation today. We have doggy goods to donate! Hopefully I can talk Alaska into walking a dog or two with us!
