Friday, September 29, 2006

3 Treasures

I found THE most adorable bouquet of flowers on our walk today.

i found THE MOST REDONK plate that was covered in foil and seated under the tastiest, homiest madiest ice cream cake, today. it belongs to Sela. i, um, think, um, i lost it. i post this picture, um, in memory.

this is Hula's amazing little butt, hiding a treat.

this is the amazingly adorable treat, now furtively hidden. Good dawg!

Shrader got an ice cream maker. it's so when he's not editing movies, writing a screen play or working out, he can... whip up a batch of ice cream that takes eleventy hours to make? either way, i'm coming over. i'll bring the chocolate sauce.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Poochie Couture

Dood... i'm like hotty totty for BCBG! Actually, this is mom's "fall" outfit and when i say outfit i mean THE ONE SHE WEARS EVERY 2 DAYS. Ann gave it to her last year and actually asked mom "what would you wear if i didn't give you that track suit?" it's SO comf (obviously, i'm using the top for a blankie) and it's like always hip looking, even when mom is feeling scroungy. the beauty of the Juicy suit. those girls did WONDERS for the world of sloppy couture. mom has a friend who has like 25 Juicy numbers. can you imagine? this friend of hers also has a villa in Italy. not exactly mom's financial equivalent.

today the fambly watched 2 episodes of Nip Tuck (season 3) on DVD. RUV that show! still don't have any idea who The Carver is (er, uh, and neither does mom). don't tell us! all 3 people who occasionally look at the blog and probably don't watch Nip Tuck! keep your lips sealed!

Sesa mommy made us this wonderful ice cream cake. can you BELIEVE there is a person out there who HOME-MAKES ICE CREAM CAKE!? it's true. and her last name isn't even And Robbins.

it is SO time for snoozes.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mama's Got a Brand New Bag

Mamasita got this baggey-poo from Ross, today. She doesn't know if she's totally crazy about it, but it's very roomy and it's kind of fun-preppy. She paid $45 from $105, so it's a super deal. Her other bag is kind of getting ratty, so it's good to have a cute bag to show you're not falling apart. Plus, I'm getting a little bigger, so I need more bag room!

this is me with my little tonguey-poo, caught in my teef. this is an extreme crash zoom to said tongue.

Mommy and Annie are finally gathering up sales reps! Mommy has been working on pitch and purchasing docs so the sales people can be informed about what mommy's biz is all about. it's going to be fun!

daddy and his friend played football video games all day today. mommy cleaned, did about 100 loads of laundry and had a phone biz meeting. yay! productive day.

Mmm... Shugger

Mom made this REDONK caramel, chocolate covered cashew pie and holy smokes, it was good! She's not gonna post the recipe though, cause she substituted some ingredients and it was mega runny. When she perfects it, she'll post!

Yesterday we BBQ'd! The family went to their friend Brian's house and the whole place smelled up like M-E-A-T. I was begging everyone for a lil taste, but of course, mommy was the only one sharing. We went there to watch the USC game. They of course, won.

Then we came home and mom bought me this ridiculously adorable Halloweenie (mom's fave hollyday!) dress from a website called All the clothes are handmade and we found them thru making puppy friends on So good! When I'm IN the dress, mom will take a pic and post it.

Okay, off to do chores!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Quiche me!

5 large eggs
3/4 cup milk (but i only had soy milk and it turned out fine!)
1 frozen 9-inch deep dish pie shell
2 cups shredded cheese

add: chopped drained cooked vegetables or cooked fish or some yummy cooked, spiced potatoes...
Oven- 350
Beat eggs in a large mixing bowl.
Add filling and milk and mix well.
Pour mixture into frozen pie crust.
Place quiche on cookie sheet and bake on the middle oven rack for 45-50 minutes, or until top is browned and a knife inserted in center comes out clean.
Serve with a crisp green salad or maybe some fresh fruit on the side.

Like soooo yum! We had it fer din din.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Leeesten to me, cheeekin...

You will talk, chicken! You are mine and there ees no escaping!

Hula Loo and I went to the cutest store today. It's called Doggie Styles and we had pupcakes

tried on Halloween costumes, got chicken jerkey and MUCH to my elation, finally found a little toy that Hula is willing to chew! She doesn't really play with anything, so it was so fun to get her to show that chicken WHO WAS THE FRIGGIN' CHICKEN, NOW.

i'm funny how? how funny?

momz also got herself a pedicur... and her hir-did! okay, not really on the "hir" but here is proof of the fabi-pedi-- hula wanted to get in on the pic, though she didn't get no pedicurr (grr?)

pedis for everyone!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Tasty Cakes

Mmm! More cupcakes! I'm a cooking fiend! It has been fun and it's good that I'm trying at least. I used to just avoid the kitchen, save for some random veggie burgers and a tofu stirfry now and again.


Neil came over a bunch this weekend. He's preddy dern cool, but I'm truly partial to DADDY! Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, dad!

Other than that, mommy and I just ate chicken stew, had walks, oh! and mom is doing this fun transcription thingie. our neighbors (with two small doggies who are my frrrrriends!) have a transcription biz and mom is helping! it takes a while, but it's worth the comfort of working from home and getting to cuddle me whenever she pleases!


Saturday, September 16, 2006

I'd Rather Be With An Animal

This is the beautiful pic of Sesa's flowers blooming. The one smiling for the camera was the one closest to the window. Apparently it was trying to make out with the sun.

Hula and I went to Larchmont today for a nice walk. Sometimes, because she's so incredibly cute in her dress, people want to talk to and pet her, so we have to go to the back streets to walk! It's so sweet though... My Hula boo loves to be loved! Plus, the "back streets" are like ba-jillion dollar homes and plenty of quiet to boot.

I made this fabulous meal today. SO simple and SO yummy-

Ingredients were:
Big ole can of stewed tomatoes
One potato
1/2 bag of baby peeled carrots
2 Organic Chicken breasts
Oven- 350 for 1hr

Spray pan, lay in breasts (snicker... snicker), dump all ingredients together, cover w/ foil and cook-a-roo! it was so yummy. Hula and I are chowing down! And be sure to use organic Chix! Kinder and WAY better for you. Not to mention totally tastier.

PS- USC Won. 28/10
Oh. Yes.


Friday, September 15, 2006


Okay, I'm so not kidding, this is the all time best fudge i've ever made. i melted almost an entire bag of peanut butter-filled hershey's kisses into it, a huge scoop of chunky peanut butter and then just followed my usual directions (powdered sugar, butter, a bit of soy milk and then topped it with the left over kisses). i gave a bit to our neighbors, but was skimpy on the hand outs. usually i give almost everything i bake, away, but this... ooh dawg.

the uber sweetest Hula-mommy gave me these... So so so so so purdy. So so purdy. and i read once how you should be stoked even when Tulips start to wilt cause they're still lovely and angelic. tots true.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I Have a Collar

After the hide-away scare, mom made sure to get me a collar with a tag on it ALL THE TIME.

When mom and I went for a walk today, we stumbled into an Open House. it was such a cute condo, but dude, 2 bd, 2 bth and maybe 1k sq ft for $590,000! I'm sorry... no way. And with an HOA of $270? it's just unjustifiable. esp cause our neighborhood isn't that nice. "Hollywood is booming" the rep said. Well, yeah.

this morning was a cinnamon morning... ooey gooey! Mmmm! usually Eric eats ALL of them (no joke!) but today he was calm and ate only 3 or 4.

Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11th

The years pass and it becomes just a phrase. But today is a mournful one. God bless all those lost and all those who grieve in their passing.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

99 Cen-topia

the other day, it was 99cents of bliss. mama got a bunch of 99cent store goodies, cause she's poor and can't justify regular store goodies. one day it'll be dif... until then, she shopping-sprees with the gangly, zitty, meth addicts, 100 Hispanic children, freaky, old, squishy white dudes and the occasional LA chick who just discovered that the wonders of 99cent dental floss on a Daily Candy Dedicated E-Mail...

became ziss...Became zissss... mmm....

Is anyone hungry for Yeats? How about some Reats? i know I am!

and last, but most def NOT least, a sweet angel of protection... Thwart the evil, prease!

99 hoorays!


so... Hula isn't blogging today. it's me. Hula-Mommy. i have to say a few things cause they're hurty.

yesterday, i made a terrible mistake. i was at my biz partner's house, doing biz things and for one sec, i took my eyes off Hula. she's so good and i just think i FEEL her intentions... so i let her roam free in the yard. well... i didn't see where, but she went exploring something and hid herself SOMEWHERE (it's all totally a mystery). i thought she'd gotten out to busy Crescent Heights and i, against everything i wanted to do, looked for her along that street and the surrounding streets, after Ann and i combed the yard. i was... panic isn't the word. i was SHOCKED. just operating outside of my body and incapable of making sense except the sense it took to say "Hula... baby... Hula!" over and over. i just moved like a zombie... around and around, not even wearing shoes until Ann said "put your shoes on."

Hula... she was fine. she'd done, as Eric put it "what dogs do" and, i don't know... had gone some place small and interesting to her and for whatever reason, didn't come to my calls. i thought i'd go out of my mind in those few minutes. i can't believe JUST HOW MUCH i love and need this dog. she's like... she's perhaps unnaturally part of me. i'm sometimes embarrassed by how deeply i care for her and her little body and face and fur and BEING. i can't even begin to consider how much it would kill me to know i'd been irresponsible and allowed her into the arms of harm. i felt like, in those moments, perhaps what a mother might feel like, knowing her child was in danger. i don't want to trivialize motherhood and how profound that connection must be, but sometimes i feel like, in another life, perhaps Hula WAS my little girl.

so... i was nervous all night... feeling over her little body and bones. making sure she wasn't actually hurt and recovering from some kind of trauma and THAT was why she didn't come to my calls. listening carefully (and at times, obsessively) to her respiration to make sure she wasn't having any kind of trouble with breathing or walking or ANYTHING. she seems as normal as ever, except the fact that she kind of has this "what the hell is up with you, mom?" vibe. huuuuuu... the whole damn event was crazy.

at any rate, i'm grateful to have this space on which to effuse and UBER GRATEFUL that a few of my sweet, wonderful friends read it (and sometimes even comment! i love that so, so, so much!). thank you, SO MUCH, Chris and Ann, for being sturdy when i was looking for my sweet Hula-love and helping to calm me down. what an awful event and what strong, kind responses from you.

le sigh!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Mom and I went to Chiat Day today, for a job interview. Mom used to work there a long time ago and she said it was really kind of cool to be back. The interview went SO well and everyone LOVED that I came with. There might not be anything there for mom now, but the interview-lady seemed to really like mom and gave her a lead on this other agency. Cool!

Suri Cruise is REDONK. is she fer real?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Q: Who Wants Cake?

A: Only the sexy people.

Strawberry Cake
Dark Chocolate frosting
heart made of cappuccino and dark choco-chips
used bananas instead of eggs again... the moistness is redonk!


Uggg... it's so stinking hot! Mom and I go on walks and i start to pant right away. Mom went and picked up her tees down town, along with an American Apparel run. Did i mention it was hot? Mom and I got so sticky and dirty-feeling. Most of the tees look adorable though! Some of the formulas got changed (for the paint color) and they're just cu-t-pie! Check new stuff here-

That is where mom has been posting fun new things.

More cake tonight! This time it's strawberry cake and dark chocolate frosting. Ooh! Pics to follow...


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Daddy daddy daddy

I love my daddy. He's so sweet to me and scratches and rubs and loves me. I get so happy when I know I'm going to see him. Tonight mommy and I were coming home and I knew daddy was inside. I kept scratching at the door as mom was opening it and when I got inside, I ran around like a loon. He's so big and sweet and protective. I know he comes off like he's a big tough dude, but he's just a smush-ball. Here's me in his shorts after mom washed em... I like to smell him even when he's not around.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Candied Walnut Pancakes


1 1/2 c Flour
2 tbsp sugar
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 c milk
3 tbsp oil
1 egg

Mix wet ingredients, mix dry, combine. Don't overmix. Add something amazing like candied walnuts, raisins, blueberries, strawberries or all of the above! Drizzle syrup and eat plenty!