Sunday, March 18, 2007

Why would I have a Vanilla Latte...

At like 7pm, after a nap? It's 11:10 and I'm about as tired as a meth addict.

This is my Lula Bell, who now goes into the hallway, and finds her way to the sunny spot that arrives in the morning. I put her bed there, but at time of piccy, she didn't seem too interested in it.

In other hilarious and adorable news, my neighbor, Rebecca and I, have purchased door stops, and keep our doors open during the day. Hula ADORES this woman (she is indeed very loveable) and runs back and forth between our places, all day long. Sometimes I don't see her here and say "is she over there?" to which Rebecca will reply "yes." Hula, I'm quite sure, thinks the entire building is her home.

In other news, I made these. Friggen G-R-E-A-T! Ghirardelli cookie recipe plus added trail mix and cocoa powder. Yum!

1 comment:

sesa said...

ooooh!! i love your set up! i love that adorable rebecca is across the hall from you and mulabell! and i love that you're living in that gorgeous apartment. in other news: i was so tired on sunday that i thought i was a meth addict. i even started feigning for the junk. you could see my shakes from a mile away. ahoy!