Monday, December 11, 2006

Ewik Birfday

Eric turned 28! He's big now! It was a fun day... we had steaks, there was x-box and also, cake + ice cream!

Sesa is lookin at Hula Boo, but she just looked so pretty in this pic, I had to make it just her. it has been a bit since I've done posting and I'm happy to say, I got a complaint! from the gal in the picture that is...

so, I think I've given up on Starbucks. i swear, every time (which is every morning) i start to think... mmm... hot, rich coffee... MUST HAVE... i get my damn Starbucks and i take a sip- hmm... so average. i have been rocking Coffee Bean lately and it's SO MUCH CREAMIER. i get the giant Vanilla Latte (sometimes w/ an extra shot of espresso, simply cause i freaking love that wakey wakey feeling) and i think- WHAT have i been doing, fooling around with anything besides THIS deliciousness??

the other day i had a 7-11 York Peppermint Patty coffee. i was totally skeptical, but it was DEE-LISH! i will say, however, as far as hot coffee, if you HAVE to get the Bucks, go for the white choco mocha latte. i don't like white choco at all, but it doesn't have a thumbs down taste and it's as creamy as i've tasted, there.

Hula runs with the wolves.

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