Saturday, November 18, 2006

I am especially in love with these pictures...

3 lovely ladies, all enjoying Blow Pops.

2 lovely ladies enjoying blow pops, love and Fiji...


Anonymous said...

OMG! That kissy-face pic of Hula bending up to plant one on ya is SOOOOOOO CUTE I just can't stand it!

Hula lurves her Mommy!

sesa said...

i like this shrader guy! that's exactly what i was thinking -- hula kissing her mommy is so cute!!

except, i do have one more comment to add: big breasts. next time, maybe we can take hula out of the photo so as to avoid having a size reference in the shot... it's like when you were younger and your family would visit, say, disneyland, and your mom would tell you to get on a ride, like the teacups, just so she could have a reference as to how large the damn teacups actually were. then she'd return home after visiting the local pharmacy, where she would print her photos, and invite everyone she ran into along the way to a 'vacation slide show' that she was hosting later that evening. tea and crumpets would be served and one's best attire was expected. then, all the neighbors would come over, bringing some sort of dish of their choice and everyone would enjoy the warm food and goodness that was friendship and camraderie, all while listening to mom talk about the trip, saying crap like, "they were really that big! see! look at how small tommy and anne are! and look at how LARGE those teacups are!"

it's just like that.

sesa said...

p.s. am i completely lost in the second photo? i look lost. and hula certainly isn't going to help me find my way...