Saturday, October 07, 2006


Here's to USC football, making Eric both ecstatic and mournful. May tomorrow be a grrreat game! E-mon is actually going to the game in person, tamali which is good for me cause i need ta ride the tiny train to transcription town, like all day long, yo! then the follow up stop is Laundry Land. i'll be visiting dirty-underpants mountain and playing in stinky-tee park! oh what a journey!

a little baking went on tonight. just a package of store bought, peanut butter cookie dough and a wee bit of Ghiradelli magic and mmmm... breakfast. well, for sugar junkies, like myself.


there is a reason these truffles look as though they're glowing with angelic spirits. because they ARE. Sela makes the absolute best truffles i've ever had in all my years of living. and it's not only about them tasting like God simmered the cream himself. there is an ENERGY in them that... you can't pinpoint, but can absorbe when you're consuming them. out of this world- truly.

1 comment:

sesa said...

sugartastic-riffic! oh, those truffles have tons of love in them, but certainly could use some tlc in the presentation area... i'll work on that stat!