Saturday, October 21, 2006


Okay, it's true. I did it. I got a Pumpkin Pie Shake at Jack in the Box. Kind of evil... by my own standards. Not only is it like... I don't know 99 parts lab-food and 1 part found-in-nature, I'm sure the cow milk is retrieved by like, knife point, it's so inorganically farmed. However... much to my expectations, it was FUCKING REDONK. Y to tha U to tha EM.

Hula liked it a little, too.

Dude-Man got some chicken-jazz and other sammich that smelled good, but the last time I ate McDonalds fast food, (which was the first time in approximately 16 years), the following day included me having the second worst fever-flu I've had in my life. Not saying they're directly related. Not saying they're NOT.

Ha! Take that McD's! I have implicated you in my 3 audience member blog! It's called THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Read the Constitution, punks.

1 comment:

sesa said...

freedom of SPEECH! take that, mc-y d's! i love pumpkin. i kinda like ice cream. the combo makes my heart shiver. in a good way...