Monday, October 09, 2006


Fun! Today we went to USC to get some shorts for dad. we walked ALL about the campus and I smelled and peed and pooed! the pic up top is me not liking the fountain much. then there's the picture of the squirrel who was taunting me!

Mom got this adorable USC pink hat- JUST FOR GIRLS (she said she'd post it later. she forgot to take a pic of it) and dad got his shorts for the gym. it was so much fun and we walked for what seemed like forever!

Here's me smelling the USC colored fleurs. Mmm... they smell like nothing.

Then we came home and watched a movie called The Weather Man

it was quite good. mom was surprised cause it started out peculiarly.

Mom got her second season of House in! it's grreat so far. and it's the coolest DVD place-holder design, ever. but who would expect less?

Hooray for Hugh!

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