Sunday, October 22, 2006

This is my fave Blog layout.


I don't know what that "yay" was for. Why not? Yay! Maybe cuz Halloween is coming soon and it's my fave-est holly-day of all the world. Darkness, the celebration of Zombies, LOADS of candy, bloody, gutty movies being played on every channel, a sense of EERIE in the air and did i mention candy? Me likey Halloween.

Dear Hula, here is a Valentime~



Anonymous said...

What a little CUTIE! I love Halloween, too. The only question is: which costume is little miss Hula going to wear?

sesa said...

second question: if eric has plans this friday night and you and hula want to enjoy a viewing of charlie brown and the pumpkin patch, my place is available.

i'm just sayin'...