Monday, September 04, 2006

Candied Walnut Pancakes


1 1/2 c Flour
2 tbsp sugar
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 c milk
3 tbsp oil
1 egg

Mix wet ingredients, mix dry, combine. Don't overmix. Add something amazing like candied walnuts, raisins, blueberries, strawberries or all of the above! Drizzle syrup and eat plenty!

1 comment:

sesa said..., hula. and, most of all... your mommy.

thank you for the lovely evening! and for NOT pooping and then rubbing it all over me! ;-)

poop + white t-shirt = so not cool.
poop + black t-shirt = bearable, but still gross.
no poop + indian t-shirt, cool evening, and good talk = fantastic and wonderfully stimulating evening.