Friday, September 29, 2006

3 Treasures

I found THE most adorable bouquet of flowers on our walk today.

i found THE MOST REDONK plate that was covered in foil and seated under the tastiest, homiest madiest ice cream cake, today. it belongs to Sela. i, um, think, um, i lost it. i post this picture, um, in memory.

this is Hula's amazing little butt, hiding a treat.

this is the amazingly adorable treat, now furtively hidden. Good dawg!

Shrader got an ice cream maker. it's so when he's not editing movies, writing a screen play or working out, he can... whip up a batch of ice cream that takes eleventy hours to make? either way, i'm coming over. i'll bring the chocolate sauce.


Anonymous said...

And I'm going to make that Nutella ice cream!!! I've been dreaming about it!

sesa said...

oh my gosh -- ice cream maker! now that's FUN times. although, not as much fun as playing hide-and-seek with Hula's treats. now, that's just too darn hilarious.