Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Leeesten to me, cheeekin...

You will talk, chicken! You are mine and there ees no escaping!

Hula Loo and I went to the cutest store today. It's called Doggie Styles and we had pupcakes

tried on Halloween costumes, got chicken jerkey and MUCH to my elation, finally found a little toy that Hula is willing to chew! She doesn't really play with anything, so it was so fun to get her to show that chicken WHO WAS THE FRIGGIN' CHICKEN, NOW.

i'm funny how? how funny?

momz also got herself a pedicur... and her hir-did! okay, not really on the "hir" but here is proof of the fabi-pedi-- hula wanted to get in on the pic, though she didn't get no pedicurr (grr?)

pedis for everyone!!

1 comment:

sesa said...

pupcakes! ahhh! yum. me likie chicken, too, hula. and getting pedis. ;-)

hula, what are you going to be for halloween?