Monday, August 07, 2006


DOOOOOOOOD. the pic speaks for itself. mom and i got into a wreck! sitting innocently at a traffic light, some boob ran a red light, caused a crash-ola and then that crash-ola turned on us! mom watched it unfold like a slow-motion movie, while i snoozed on the passenger seat. then- KA-BOOM! the cars mashed us. i was terribly shaken. mom- mostly spaced out and caring for me. frustratingly thoughtless drivers. ps- you should see the OTHER car... the one that crashed HIM as he ran the red light. smooshed beyond belief.

no Trader Joe's chicken chunks for us tonight. it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

for all those concerned, the car, though heart-breakingly sad looking, is driveable. mom is feeling boo-hoo about it as she is so proud of her vroom-vroom. first car she paid for all by herself!

all will work out... it ALL happens for a reason...

1 comment:

sesa said...

yuck-o-roonie! i'm sorry, hula, that you had to experience a car accident. i'm sorry your mommy has to deal w/ the torn up bumper -- now that's "100% Fricking BumPer!" ;-) ...just thought a little play on words might make you smile.

if that didn't work, i've got some palmtree nuts back home with your name on them. how about, say, thursday we meet up and i give them to you?

i hope your shakes are gone by now... yours and your mommy's!