Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Seriously People, Whos Is Cuter Than I?

Humans! Seriously, I'm like a supermodel. mom took this pic of me last night and just couldn't wait to post it.

OMG, it's so exciting... the nights... they are a-changin'... it was CHILLY in the bedroom last night! Grateful that the weather's getting more comfortable. It makes walks longer and sweeter.

In snack, and more specifically snack-spread related news, Nutella is on sale at the market and mom is loading up on them. she bought 6 jars of it last time and will probably get 6 more. it's like her main food staple. seriously. she is like totally European. Here's a samp of the delightful things you can do with it. Mom eats it straight, though.

people, my people... more soon. and especially more rescue dogs!

1 comment:

sesa said...

okay, i cannot stop laughing about this! "In snack, and more specifically snack-spread related news."

Thank GAWD you addressed the most important news of all: all things having to deal with snack and snack-spreads.

i love you, hula. you are a furry funny creature. mostly furry, but funny too.