Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Oh people... it has happened. My mommy swore she'd let it be, but she went and dressed me up. It's over now. Heads are exploding with the velocity of my cuteness. Buildings are collapsing etc etc... Plus, I don't have any lil harness scratchey things on my chest. Mom walks me so much, my lil fur gets rubbed off! Looks like I might need actual dress SELECTIONS, so I can switch it up, depending on my mood...

Today, mom and I went to the park and met with her friends Shannon and Pearl. Shannon is like mommy- big. Pearl is like me- lil. We had some fun in the sun and mommy got to talk about how this one lady hurt her feelings. It's no fun, but hurted feelings are part of life. Now she feels better cause the day looked up. Also, cause she has me! I help BUNCHES.

Later, mommy and her friend, the nice-smelling Ann, did some business. Ann cut up a tee and made this! They also bought a bedazzler, I overheard... Ooh! Sparkles!

Mom ate the same thing for dinner as every night- Nutella and Peanut Butter. Not 100% great for the tum tum, but she thinks it's soooo delish! I can't blame her!



sesa said...

hula! who hurt your mommy's feelings? you'll surely have to put that evil person in line!! or tell me and i'll do it.

i actually, and not surprisingly, still love you in your dress. too bad you don't have a rubylove t-shirt you could wear, but of course you probably wouldn't be able to read a reflection tee... you'd probably just bark at the mirror instead. maybe you could have one that says, "my mommy loves herself. and she also loves me." or, i guess a pink, tweed dress also conveys the same message...

well, i've been soo busy and i've been in need of seeing you and your mommy! i made brownies for work the other day and they were so good i got a proposal! i'm thinking of making some more tonight... we'll see. right now dinner's-a-brewin' so i best be on my way towards the kitchen!

more soon, my tweed enraptured doll.

Anonymous said...

Hula, that dress is just too, too cute on you! You're gonna have to come over and show the kitties just how cute you look!