Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I'm having a weird-o day! I went pee pee in PetCo (well, it WAS on the mat right when you come into the store, where about 6,578,900 other dogs have prolly peed...) and I'm shaking when I drive with mom. Mom isn't 100% either. She's a bit spacey and forgot what she'd just purchased in the pet store, and was yelled after by the woman behind her. "Girl with the Chihuahua.. you forgot this!"

Sigh... This crash has gotten the best of us! Mom has a few aches and pains (body and heart) and I think is just trying to FEEL the sadness of the crunch-n-munch car and not push it all under. It's so strange to get into a wreck. Affects you in a way you wouldn't expect... I'm a dog... I know these things...

Anyhow, today is a restful one. Think mom is going to call HomeGrocer.com to order groceries. It's currently too scary to run errands. I'm gonna go hide my face in my bum...


sesa said...

Oh, no! I'm so bummed i didn't get to talk to you about this tonight!! our little crazy hula girl was freakin' entertaining!

you're actually feeling some aches?? did you see the doctor? perhaps, that might be why you said your breast size was "confirmed." ;-) well, i hope this doesn't get the best of you, my dear. obviously it hasn't because i saw your happy and beautiful face this evening!

hula: please stop play-biting your mom and let her chill the rest of this week. you can play-bite the redhead and me all day saturday.

love, your other mom.

sesa said...

by the way, hula: i've peed not once, not twice, but three times in a PetCo!

that's all. oh, and i like to eat snacks found in the middle of the street.

your other mom.