Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sesa Mommy

So the other night, my other mommy came over. She's so nice to me! I hid under the table a lil when she came in, but then I smelled her and got all happy and waggy. This is one of mom's favorite pics of Sela. She looks so purdy in it!

Tonight, mom watched, for the second time, the movie Brick. It's such an amazing film (she told me) and there are so many things to catch the second time around, when you're not trying to pay attention to the plot.

We walked dad to work today and then mom came back and did some biz. She's actually got an appointment with a sales rep applicant, on Friday! Yay! It's nice when things feel positive for mom. She's happier... I'm happier... things smell better.



sesa said...

i know, right?! things totally smell better when the world is full of happiness.

ahhh, hula, how i love thee. i do, however, love the broken toe and cotton ball shot of my foot a little more. it makes me laugh. though, i guess you too make me laugh so i equally love you as much.

how's your mommy today? be sure to shake your 1.25 lb bottom at her and wag your 0.3 lb tail to convey your love for her!

sesa said...

oh, p.s.: we got brick in the mail yesterday -- cannot WAIT to view it.

Anonymous said...

I still haven't seen BRICK. I keep meaning to watch it and it gets lost in the shuffle. I'm Netflixing it now.