Monday, August 07, 2006


Mom mailed my license papers off today. Yay! it means i'm going to be officially official. i totally deserve it!

so far we've gone on a short walk. mom gets on the phone cause it's impossible to use it in the house. it annoys her so very much. later we'll go to the market together. since it's plenty cool out and the sun isn't shining, i can stay in the car while she runs in. i don't like it much cause i miss her so, but it's better than staying at home waiting for her! besides... i love the car. i get all nappy and lulled by the engine... or something. i don't know what it is, but i zonk right out. can you believe i don't stand up and look out the window? i suppose my mom is more entertaining than the streets of LA. wee!

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