Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Car is back!!!!!!!! It's so incredibly exciting. Mom and I took our first spin in its shiny, purdy new-ness, this morning! Woo! Mom was total surprised by how much she'd missed it.

Arrested Development season III came out this morn, too! Mom and dad and I went before dad went in to work and bought it. South Park is out too. Can't wait to watch all the new episodes of everything, all snuggled down in between the two of them. Snuggling, South Park, Riesens, Hula Cookies... yay!

House came out, season II on dvd, too, but WAY too expensive. Mom can find it for better than $49.

Time to go clean, write to sales reps and um... well, actually, I'll just be lounging...

1 comment:

sesa said...

oh. my. lord. you are certainly lounging, my four-legged muffin.

that's just adorable, precious and all of the above.